Recently, two of our Colleagues (Boss) from New York went here in the country to visit the Philippine team (Code name: Literatis). Fortunately, every time Rick and Dave visit us, they always find time to mingle with us like eating out together or going out after office hours. And as a way of giving back the favor to these cool guys, the team thought of something to give (Collage) for them to bring home in New York.Luckily, our officemate Lousienne (AKA Mary Trinidad)has a Photography business and she had arranged a personal photo shoot for the two guys (of course, together with Lousienne's models) in order for us to make a collage .Here are some of the sizzling photos:
He is mine!
Ay, nasira yung palda ko.uhhhhmmmm...
Ok.Look at the camera first
You are so serious..
Kuchi, kuchi, kuchi...
Something got stuck on my teeth..
Malunggay yan...
Dave, she has a Malunggay on her teeth..
Wait, I am going look what a Malunggay is...