I am back. Reinvention now!
Im selling now my ROKR E6 and I want to buy now a new Nokia Phone. Probably one of the N-series phones. Or a Nokia Branded iPhone, like this one.
Or this one.
Holy Cow!
11.21.2007 at Posted under
Power Lifting!
8.10.2007 at Posted under
Janet Toral is such an amazing blogger. On the first note, she just made the Top ten most influencial blog for 2007 successful. In fact, some of my friends went to the grand eyeball and awarding of the said event. Now she's doing another great project which is the Filipina Writing project.
Filipinas outnumber Filipinos in terms of population in the country and that is a fact. But what is ironic is that majority of the top decision-making positions in the corporate and government arena in the country are being taken by Filipinos. Truly, Janet Toral's Filipina writing project is another way to empower more women to strive and get away from the classic norms that the Philippine society had made for them.
Much like what this blog advertising site does for bloggers and advertisers in the internet realm. It empowers bloggers by rewarding them through their creative postings. Likewise, for advertisers through introducing their products and services through the postings of different brilliant bloggers.
Loud and proud
8.02.2007 at Posted under
Congratulations to a good friend of mine Anitokid for winning Janet Toral's top ten emerging influencial blogs 2007.!
Anitokid's blog exudes meaningful insights on contemporary Sports, political and technological issues, both local and international, without neglecting the intelligent humor factor.
Way to go!
Fat but thin
7.30.2007 at Posted under
The price is reasonable. Its P24,0000 (≈ $530). A friend bought a unit instead of buying some GMA shares (for his parents.Lolz). And I say, its perfectly better.
Spoilers (edited version)
7.25.2007 at Posted under
The rate at which the Harry Potter and the deathly hollows got sold on its US launching was around 96 copies per second. Hence, at a per hour rate, it was selling at around 345,840 copies. Thus, if a person has a copy of the HP 7th book, then that person contributed approximately .00000012% to that killer sales stat.. Which in effect would entail J.K. Rowling to have an income of around $43,575,000 per day (from US market alone) assuming that other things held constant and that her royalty per book sold was at around 15%.
But since Spoilers have been around the net lately, J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter Book series Fanatics might have been very pissed.
Spoilers issue, like piracy, is a Must-be-solved problem in the entertainment and consumer discretionary sector. For it does not only suck the income of Authors, rather the whole sector. Which in turn makes a domino effect (negative) on the credibility of the industry in mitigating such and so with the entire Economy.
This is a loophole
7.19.2007 at Posted under
Apple should do something about it.
7.17.2007 at Posted under
Mr. Elbert Cuenca, officially, is the first person who owns an iPhone in the Philippines.
Hates and Likes
at Posted under
Got this from one of my blog buddies --Sonnie's Porch
- Food I hate– None..talking about being a scavenger (hehe)
- Fruits I hate– Atis
- Veggies I
hateLeast Liked– Eggplants - People I
hateLeast Liked– "Those who don’t have the balls to stand on what is right" Event/Situation/Incidentthat I hate–LBM- TV shows/movies that I hate- Korean telenovelas
- Music I hate– Songs of April boy, Renz Verano, etc..
- Household chores I hate-Dishwashing
- Thing/s that you hate around the world– Pollution
- Thing/s that you hate about yourself– Too kind
Google shirt + iPhone
at Posted under
Here is another contest that would enable everybody to possibly get a free iPhone plus a possible bragging rights in designing Gmail's shirt design.
I better get my Photoshop ready.
7.10.2007 at Posted under
This is your chance to to grab and touch the much awaited iPhone before its launching in the country next year!!! Mr. Gary Lee is giving up a FREE 8GIG iPHONE!!!!
Squishees = Slurpees
at Posted under
For the sake of promoting The Simpsons movie, which took 18 years in the making, 7-11 actually changed some of its stores' name into Kwik-E-marts... and so does some of its products.
Its a good marketing strategy for the Simpsons movie, though, since 7-11 stores are like mushrooms which boom anywhere. The company has more than 25,000 franchised stores scattered world wide. And in the US and Canada alone, there over a thousand 7-11 stores that cater to more than 6 million customers 24/7.
So imagine how many people would actually know that the Simpsons movie would come to existence and imagine how many of these people who buy regularly in 7-11 would be watching it.
Count me in!
Shoot that!
6.29.2007 at Posted under
Recently, two of our Colleagues (Boss) from New York went here in the country to visit the Philippine team (Code name: Literatis). Fortunately, every time Rick and Dave visit us, they always find time to mingle with us like eating out together or going out after office hours. And as a way of giving back the favor to these cool guys, the team thought of something to give (Collage) for them to bring home in New York.Luckily, our officemate Lousienne (AKA Mary Trinidad)has a Photography business and she had arranged a personal photo shoot for the two guys (of course, together with Lousienne's models) in order for us to make a collage .Here are some of the sizzling photos:
He is mine!
Ay, nasira yung palda ko.uhhhhmmmm...
Ok.Look at the camera first
You are so serious..
Kuchi, kuchi, kuchi...
Something got stuck on my teeth..
Malunggay yan...
Dave, she has a Malunggay on her teeth..
Wait, I am going look what a Malunggay is...
A poem for the biggest mergers/acquisitions
6.26.2007 at Posted under
A little "poem", you will never forget GahooYoogle:
Write Yahoo then Google Make the Y and G Toggle
Never forget GahooYoogle"
Not a parallel Universe
6.22.2007 at Posted under
Vuja De: The phenomenon where an event happens and you feel that it has happened before or that you dreamed/predicted/ felt it would happen.
De Javu: Used to describe the strange feeling you get when you're in a situation, and feel like you've been in the exact same situation before, but really haven't.
Source: Urban Dictionary
6.21.2007 at Posted under
It is very annoying to know that in order for a person from the Philippines (and other countries as well) to have a professional accreditation, education or to be an immigrant abroad , he/she must take the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). And whats even more annoying is that IELTS will implement changes in test band score reporting. How great is that!
Wow Philippines
6.15.2007 at Posted under
In pursuit of boosting my blog rank at Technorati and at other blog ranking sites, I would now involve myself in helping Melo Villareal boost the tourism industry of our country (Philippines) through this blog marketing post. And my pick for a nice place to go to is at the beautiful and fresh-to-the-eye beaches of Palawan..Here (click for a larger picture):
By the way, this very infectious blog post came from my good friend Anitokid—Copy and paste the VIRAL-ICONS and instructions below this line—
Important Update - Please read here!
1.) Copy and paste the matrix of “Viral Icons” below courtesy of Ilker Yoldas from The Thinking Blog.
2.) Upload your non-animated favicon (GIF image of size 16×16 pixels) to ImageShack, a similar free image hosting server or to your own server provided by your hosting service if you have one.
3.) Substitute the Host Icon and one of the “Viral Icons” in the matrix with your ALT text of choice and your blog’s URL. Maximum of 3 specific keywords for the ALT text are best for it to be effective.
4.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your icon in one of their “Viral Icons”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Icon’s code (automatically the associated ALT tag will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Icons” below.
5.) Invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

- No Porn Sites
- Only 1 icon per person (i.e. don’t hog the ViralIcons!)
- Please don’t tamper with other people’s ALT tags, URLs or favicons.
———Copy and paste the VIRAL-ICONS and instructions above this line———
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